
In this page you can find all the info needed to contact us. You can reach us by filling up the contact form, by e-mail, phone or WhatsApp. Don’t hesitate to contact us for any further information and don’t forget to follow us on the social media to receive all the latest offers and updates!

Vrisi, Mykonos 84600 – GREECE





Opening hours
09:00-20:00 7/7 festività incluse

Our office is strategically located at the doors of the city center, and only 5 minutes away from the International Airport of Mykonos JMK.

Moto Speed is the biggest moto- and car-rental company operating in Mykonos since 1986. We are proud to provide a wide selection of vehicles for all the tastes and all the needs. We make available to our customers our long-time experience in the sector to make sure you can enjoy your holiday in full relax and without a glitch. Among the extras, we offer free transportation from/to hotel, airport or city center, free addition of the second driver, and third-parties insurance included in the price for all our vehicles.

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